Elect Martin Powell-Davies:Defending Teachers, Defending Education |
Martin's Campaign Trail- Visiting schoolsOne of Martin’s campaign pledges is that he "would make visiting schools a priority, building teachers’ confidence to stand up for themselves". Martin is already putting that policy into practice as part of his election campaign by taking up invites to visit teachers in their staffrooms and school union meetings – as well as at larger NUT Association meetings. Already in May, Martin’s school visits have included trips to Haringey, North London and St.Helens in the North-West. In Haringey, Martin visited Rhodes Avenue Primary and Alexandra Park Secondary schools at lunchtime. He then popped in to the Haringey Pupil Support Centre to meet an NUT member who had been a delegate at the recent NUT Black Teachers’ Conference and wanted to meet Martin herself. Martin’s "tour" ended with an after school meeting at Hornsey School for Girls. Enthused by Martin’s visit, two Haringey teachers travelled down to Lewisham on May 22nd to help with the Elect Martin Campaign’s "Mail for Martin" day. 40 teachers – some Lewisham NUT members, some from across London, even one from Leicester - gathered to help fill the thousands of envelopes that are going to be sent to every school in the country with Martin’s campaign materials. EnthusiasmWhile other campaigns may be able to afford to pay commercial firms to do this work, none of them can match the enthusiasm from ordinary teachers that was evident on the day. Copious refreshments, good humour and, for those that wanted it, the Cup Final on the telly, helped make light work of a large task ! Martin has also visited members in three schools in St.Helens before speaking at the local NUT Association meeting to thank them for their nomination. Robin Pye, Secretary of St.Helen’s NUT, reports that
In the last week before half-term, Martin visited schools and NUT meetings in London and Leicester – as well as keeping up his own Union and teaching responsibilities in Lewisham. He travelled to:
After half-term, Martin will be visiting schools in the Bristol area on Monday June 7th, the opening day of the election. Later in the week he will also be speaking to NUT members in London – visiting schools in Bromley and Enfield and speaking at Association meetings in Bromley and Redbridge. |
email martin@electmartin.org.uk