Elect Martin Powell-Davies:Defending Teachers, Defending Education |
SATS Ballot- a missed opportunityThe 86% majority in the NUT’s ballot showed the overwhelming level of opposition to the damage SATs are inflicting on the primary curriculum. In most trade unions this vote would have been taken as a clear mandate for action. It was easily more than what was required under the law to proceed. It should have been used to launch a SATs boycott. But to the disappointment and frustration of the 30,000 who voted "YES", our action against unrealistic targets was blocked by the Union setting its own unnecessary target. NUT members had little alternative but to carry on teaching according to what was needed to meet the targets, not what was best for children’s learning, enjoyment or self esteem. A lack of serious leadershipThe insistence on the high turnout was just the final example of how the present leadership failed to mount a serious campaign to win a SATs boycott. While Local NUT Associations and those, including Martin, active in the Anti-Sats Alliance, had gone out to parents and teachers to build for the boycott, the National Union’s campaigning materials were too little, and largely, too late. End SATS and league Tables
Martin Powell-Davies believes the Union has setback the campaign against SATs by insisting that the "50% rule" be applied. But action will be needed to defeat the regime of tests and tables in England. Martin has committed himself to continuing the campaign against tests and tables. If elected as NUT General Secretary, Martin would make sure school reps and Local Associations had the materials needed to convince both parents and teachers why we have to stop the SATs – and how much better teaching and education would be like without them. Martin would support moves to ballot for a new boycott, whether concentrating on a particular Key Stage or co-ordinating action across those LEAs where members felt most confident to take action. vote for changevote for martinTeachers need a leadership that they can trust to organise serious campaigns to defend teachers and education. Martin’s election as NUT General Secretary would be an important step in making that change. The Elect Martin Campaign believes that Martin’s record in the Union – whether as an NUT Secretary successfully winning a 50% turnout in his Division in the strike ballot over London Allowances, or as the National Chair of School Teachers Opposed to Performance Pay – shows that he has the experience of the painstaking work needed to build a campaign. The election of a teacher with a clear programme for change, in touch with the problems facing his colleagues, will appeal to a new layer of teachers to get involved in our campaigns and activities and help revitalise the Union. Together, we can make sure that the NUT becomes a fighting, campaigning union that will stand up for teachers and education at last. |
email martin@electmartin.org.uk
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