Elect Martin Powell-Davies:Defending Teachers, Defending Education |
A new way forward for black teachersThis June, NUT members have the chance to vote for a General Secretary that will put words into deeds at long last. Martin Powell-Davies is the candidate that can be relied on to stand firm for teachers - and for education. Black teachers - too often the hardest hitFor too long, the current NUT leadership has failed to defend teachers from relentless workload, bullying management, cuts and redundancies. But, as in other walks of life, too often it is black staff that find themselves hardest hit. • Martin will work to build strong local Associations that can defend members against management bullying and to toughen our act/on on workload. Strengthen Anti-RacismWhile millions are found for war, Government underfunding is undermining the hard work of every teacher - but particularly those supporting minority ethnic pupils, notably through EMAG. This is one area where the principle that "every child deserves a qualified teacher" is already being undermined. At the same time, politicians, backed up by the press, seek to deflect criticism from their failings by scapegoating asylum seekers and resorting to anti refugee propaganda. • Martin would step up the Union’s campaigns in defence of education, including the development of Union educational materials for use in schools. Defeat discriminatory performance payMartin was one of the leading members of School Teachers Opposed to Performance Pay (STOPP). He worked to build a serious opposition to PRP - while the Union retreated without any real fight. Now Ministers want to introduce performance pay for every teacher - even on the main scale. Faced with cuts, schools will use these measures to ration pay. Once again, black staff will find themselves vulnerable. • Martin is calling for national action to oppose performance pay and the pay freeze. Oppose the BNPThe trade union movement has a vital role to play in organising to ensure that the BNP fails in its attempts to divide our communities. Martin’s experience in organising against racism in South-East London underlines his commitment to opposing the BNP. • Martin would encourage NUT members to build local campaigns against racism and fascism. A General Secretary in touch with teachersNUT members need a General Secretary that will listen to the views of teachers - not least black teachers. Martin welcomes the decision to introduce guaranteed places on the NUT National Executive for black members and for the Black Teachers Conference to be able to submit a motion to the Union’s Annual Conference. However, real progress depends on having a General Secretary that is prepared to put policy into practice. Martin will provide that lead. A proven campaigner
Martin Powell-Davies has a proven record in defending black teachers and fighting racism. As Secretary of Lewisham NUT, Martin has:
email martin@electmartin.org.uk